

so, i am trying to make, make and make some more.  my daughter fell in love with a ragdoll that this little girl that we know has and so i decided to make her one.  no big deal, i can sew and sculpt. well, it was more involved than i originally anticipated but i think it turned out cute and was completely worth it since my daughter loves it.

i sewed and stuffed her body after embroidering the face.  then the fun began, starting on the clothing.  it's been a few years since i've made myself anything with sleeves (i generally make myself skirts with elastic or snaps) and i had forgotten how (annoyingly) difficult they can be.  let alone how difficult they might me for a doll less than a foot tall.  the rest of it was not as frustrating.  i hand tied each of the hair strands and for the leggings i dyed lace and wrapped it around her legs.  like i said, she love it.  it took her a few day though.  she saw it all naked and hairless when i first started on it and played with it for an entire day.  after i finished it and gave it to her she looked at it like, "what did you do to her?" that's the fun of children- "i'd rather play with a hairless, naked doll" is just like the old "i'd rather play with the box that the expensive toy came in" situation.  now that a few weeks have passed i'm thinking of making some more and putting them on my etsy store.  we'll see.  i'm busy photographing my sculptures to put up there tonight and tomorrow.  check it out come march!


hello all

Welcome to the blog of Ryan Bell.  A few things about me: I am the mother of a wonderful baby girl who I get to hang out with all day and fit in some art making or research too, if I can.   I love both creating art and art history.  I strive to constantly expand my knowledge of both.  Here I will share my creative endeavors in the hopes of inspiring others, get feedback and meet other creative individuals out there.  Check out my links to see my art/crafts and what's for sale in my etsy shop- all will be up in March 2011.