
hello! oops, it's been a really long time. well, here's some stuff i've done in the meantime.  i will be, as well as many other amazingly fantastic people, at the Maker Faire Kansas City June 23&24.  come by to see amazing artists and makers do great things!

First up: Mercury's Robots and Rocket Ships themed second birthday party:
 Rockets blasting off everywhere, some of which had robots riding them.

Rocket cake complete with smoke coming out the bottom.
Mercury and Dad shooting off real rockets in the field behind our house.

 Cupcakes! I sell cupcakes on First Fridays down in the Crossroads district of downtown 
Kansas City to raise funds for MS Society.  Here are some of my samples I have made:
Vanilla Wildberry.


Chocolate Chip Carrot.

Strawberry Lemonade.

Giraffe Family for a local school auction.

More Cupcakes!:
Boulevard Wheat Beer cupcakes, with whipped cream or lemon icing 
for my friends at Gomer's South.

Peanut Butter Chocolate (background) and Smores (foreground) cupcakes
 for Alpha Montessori School's auction.

Triple Birthday Party for myself and two friends:
My friend Eric's cake, who co-owns a letter press shop.

My friends Ben's cake, his bike really looks like this:
 By the way, trampoline and bounce house IS a great idea.
 And no one got the least bit hurt.

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